Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy new year: 2011 cupcakes

Welcome to 2011 dear reader. How have you been? Delighted to report that CLB is back blogging for 2011. Lots to look forward to over forthcoming months including a revamped design (coming soon!) and tons of exciting baby style news and new features (watch this space). But first I'd love to share this super easy recipe for yummy New Year cupcakes. Evie and I enjoyed making them yesterday (she adored getting flour all over the kitchen, naturally) we then shared them out at the New Year's parties we attended and they were a hit with toddlers and grown-ups alike. There's always something special about taking something homemade, particularly by the hands of your little one. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Also hoping 2011 is a wonderful year for you all.

2011 Cupcakes recipe

Ingredients for 12 cupcakes
125g self raising flour
125g unsalted butter
125g caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
2 eggs
Grated rind of 1 lemon and a dash of its juice

250g icing sugar
Mix in food colouring of your choice - mix blue and green to get this pretty turquoise shade
Add decorations of your choice

Mix all ingredients together into smooth paste then transfer to 12 cupcake cases on tray and bake for 15
minutes at 200c. Meanwhile make the icing. Once ready and cooled, spoon over the icing and leave to dry. There, easy!


  1. Happy New Year! I'm feeling guilty now for not doing more baking with my 3 year old, although she usually just gets really stroppy with me. Perhaps your recipe will make a difference, lol.
    Evie looks like she's concentrating hard and those cupcakes look delicious. What a cute pinny too!

  2. Hey, glad your back, hope your all well
    happy New year to you and your family!

  3. Thank you both very much. It's good to be back! Best wishes to you and your families for 2011! Xx

  4. Recipe looks amazing & what a lovely little one she is! I have such a weakness for cupcakes & no restraint during the holidays!
