Thursday, 24 March 2011

Total Wardrobe Care comes to the rescue

The CLB household has a problem: moths. It's a constant battle to try and keep them at bay - I have waved adios to many a moth-munched cashmere sweater. There was only one option left: to get the experts in. I called on Julia Dee of Total Wardrobe Care, who has helped Elle Macpherson to get her wardrobe sorted no less. Julia, who has 30 years experience on such matters, was brilliant. She spent well over an hour looking at CLB's wardrobes, shelves and drawers, and explained how I could help deter the dreaded moths by firstly getting everything washed and dry-cleaned followed by regular wardrobe vacuuming and cleaning. 'Put all your shoes, bags and accessories in linen-lined baskets, that way you can pull them out easily to clean,' she said. She recommended The Holding Company for baskets. Brilliant idea! Furthermore, she advised that only clean clothes should be put away ever day (moths love to feast on food, skin and hair particles). I can see this will be a challenge for naughty CLB daddy who likes to chuck his clothes directly on the floor at the end of every day! I spritzed her gorgeous organic moth deterrent spray, made from lavender, cedarwood and clove bud and hung her pretty pink and white (so chic!) anti-moth sachets throughout my cloths rails, all of which can be purchased from her lovely website, along with luxurious hanging garment bags, sweater bags and hangers. Now, bring on the spring clean!

Read Julia's five steps to a natural moth-free wardrobe here

For more information logo to Call 020 7501 0331/2. Email

Total Wardrobe Care's gift set
Total Wardrobe Care's anti-moth products
Total Wardrobe Care's stylish storage bags

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