Wednesday, 5 October 2011

CLB ♥ Clara Button and the Magical Hat Day

CLB was head over kitten heels after hearing the V&A was publishing its very first children's story book.Written by esteemed fashion professor Amy de la Haye and illustrated by Emily Sutton, the book tells the tale of Clara, a little girl who inherits her granny's passion for millinery. When her brother rips granny's beloved straw hat, Clara heads to the V&A with her family to learn how to fix it and embarks on an millinery adventure. Daddy CLB read it to Evie last night and she adored it - positively enchanted by the exquisite illustrations packed with colour and detail. Perfect for fledgling fashionistas everywhere.
£10.99 (V&A Publishing) at 


      1. Oh how beautiful! I do love books, especially children's picture books. The V&A shop is brilliant too, I've bought loads of great pressies from there!

      2. Yep, it's brill in't it. Love the V&A shop, one of my favourites x
