Tuesday, 12 February 2013

BMW for Maclaren buggies

Look buggy wheels like mini BMW wheels!

CLB was one of the first to test drive the new BMW for Maclaren buggies at Harrods last week. As a longtime Maclaren fan (we have used our XTR practically every day since Evie was born) we were  eager to test drive this new baby. As you might expect, with the German luxury car-giant involved, it's like a suped-up version of its former self with wheels that are scaled down versions of proper BMW wheels, proper BMW inginia clasp straps and a lovely soft, sporty hood with air vents in the shape of BMW lights. The buggy glides along smoothly with excellent handling of corners which will please Top Gear loving mums and dads. Sadly, power-steering and sat-nav don't come as standard. From £285 at Harrods.

Sleek BMW styling on the clasp

Zoom zoom, sure to be the zippiest stroller on the streets

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